Episode 2: No Stress

Feeling good about being progressive enhances everything (imho). This might be the general consensus on a global scale, as far as opinions go, however. Since this is a blog embracing creative thinking, lets analyze Jamaican culture. Even if you are the most boring person in your family, you’d still know how to crack a joke off of some random occurrence that happens during the course of any given day. It feels inherent from what I've come to observe growing there for 30 years. There’s no possible way to not find some humour in situations, no matter how messed up it is. Jamaicans seem to have a knack at finding reality interesting, but yet we still don’t seem to realize that life would be way more cool if we could do that shit consistently but most importantly progressively.

In my experiences, I've come to see many a person try really hard to reinforce on a regular basis a mental block against trying to feel good about life in general, because that must be the reason why people don’t like when they see other people enjoying life and endeavouring to live it to the fullest. “Badmine” is like the order of the day. Of course there are some who don’t go about making other people’s business their own but they are so far and in between that it makes those types of people seem like endangered species. So... eventually things get complicated for whatever reason, and that makes a bad situation turn into hell. Nothing gets better and it eventually begins to deteriorate one's culture from wherever and whichever region ie. Nothing feels good anymore.

Now we automatically start thinking about family living in any random developed country or all your girlfriends that live there too and start to shortlist the best candidates that would be willing to file for your hopeless self. All because life is starting to get a little bit too stressful; or should I still say “F#@ked up”. This mindset is so common that Jamaicans in the US, Canada, London or any other foreign country make highly populated Jamaican communities feel a little too cluster phobic. They are almost everywhere, but it doesn’t necessarily have a good effect. If you left Jamaica with the “Badmine” mentality, you’d just get sucked up into any other foreign "entrapment cultures" and "illusions" from other cultures faster than immigrants from different countries moving to 'greener pastures' and learning new customs, and you’d spend more time wasting time.

Embracing the concept of aiming to become self-sufficient should be a must in any family as well and not just the society. What the hell is wrong with that concept? Wasn’t it our ancestors who made it possible to understand the meaning of the word 'freedom'? Wasn’t that supposed to be the vision of our own Marcus M. Garvey and great men like Hailie Selassie? Or better yet, maybe a guy by the name of Martin Luther King and another called Malcolm X? How come we can't seem to maintain the amazing lessons that those dudes helped to highlight?

It seems that we forget their impact so fast when they were here even more recently than "the One who was sent to die on the cross for us" who probably was also one of the main characters that inspired those great men in recent times to begin with... Is it just a typical case of 'badmine' then?

I just think my progressive mentality and core values are more important than concentrating about another person’s lifestyle and finding new ways to be critical or judgmental about it. We all can generate unlimited and super cool ideas to share perhaps, even though countless others choose to stay stuck. Shit like that will surely stress a mo-phucker out. There should be a way to embrace all of that, feel it intensely but not hold on to it. Until then, I’ll continue to use my energy to feel good about the future and fully live in the moment of the present as much as I can. It actually could make everything less stressful too… makes sense, doesn’t it?


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