Power & Passion

A new series of inspiration has found its way into my life. I am truly grateful to say the least and I won't waste any time to get that new surge of beautiful energy out in this new season of creative expressions. The creativity that this blessing embodies will speak for itself as it finds its way into manifestation. All I know is that this year, this era and my roots have everything to do with it so let us begin, shall we?! :p

I was birthed into a religious environment with Christianity as the dominant 'mountain' in my little island paradise. It is in fact, the founding faith that established our remarkable Caribbean nation of Jamaica. The current situation is another story for a different creative post but we still have to acknowledge the culture's origins. All our national heroes were powerful believers in the main source of inspiration for this religion; Jesus Christ. Being 'Christ-like' was their main agenda, they were all extremely influential and super militant. This piece however, is not a history lesson but my reference to our forefathers is to highlight a key characteristic that will point to a school of thought that I am currently consumed entirely with. It will also guide my endeavours in the immediate future and especially beyond that.

That characteristic I am referring to as already mentioned is militancy... not the typical 'up 2-3-4' jingle, but the type that Nanny of the Maroons used to lead her brothers, sisters, extended family and village members back in the day with spiritual dominance and purpose. I am not a senior citizen, neither am I a teenager doing a research paper but this kind of mentality is the driving force and fuel for the school of thought I now embody. It might sound a bit rigid but it can also only be administered by individuals fully in tune with their right-brain directives... with that being said, let me break down this concept:

  • "Our right brain is visual and possesses information intuitively and simultaneously. It looks first at the whole picture of any scenario and then examines the details.
  • Our left brain is verbal and processes info. analytically and sequentially. It looks first at the individual bites of data in any scenario then puts things together to get the whole, step by step." 
(Johnny Enlow - The Seven Mountain Prophecy)
To fathom anything in this expressive piece, one has to again be fully aware and in tune with their right brain intuition. The left brain methodology of thinking should not at any time give orders or directives to your ego and as a result everything that is observed has to be interpreted as a grand artistic masterpiece. If a situation that occurs at any given time cannot add value to one's over-all life, it should then be treated as low in importance or simply... lame ;-) "The left brain is designed to serve the interests of the right brain. It is supposed to help us organize and keep time while we access reality with the right brain. Instead of submitting the right brain to left-brain rationalism, we were created to submit the left brain to right-brain perceptions." (Johnny Enlow - The Seven Mountain Prophecy) 

Since this concept might be new to most, focusing on mastering it will certainly need a militant approach especially if one was trained as a child to value the left brain methodology as more important and valuable than its neighbouring counterpart.

This creative piece however, is not geared toward instructing anyone what to do. This is an expression from my heart and I can only suggest to anyone that reads these words to follow your own heart. The heart, contrary to what most people might believe is not just the organ that pumps blood throughout the body. It is also connected to our mind which was made to be governed by our right brain. The word 'heart' can also be translated in Hebrew to be the word 'leb' which means inner man, mind, knowledge, thinking, reflection, memory, inclination, resolution or determination (of will). Hopefully, these definitions may bring more clarity to any one's everyday random thoughts. As for me, it is imperative that I tap into unlimited inspiration which eventually makes its way to my life through the instruction of my sub-conscious mind. To consistently impress on the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Universal Essence that is directly connected to my right brain is my main intention. The right brain is also "the part of the brain the Almighty has created to be open to respond to His ways," therefore I have decided NOT to take that lightly or take it for granted.

My thoughts are now saturated with this energetic form of 'livity' and for me, religion has never embodied this kind of enthusiasm 'the realest' way. This kind of power and passion I currently rep. for however, enables me to explore the unlimited channels available that transmit progress and promote personal growth without restriction, or hesitation [a distinct contrast from my first post on this blog too :-)]. Creativity is a lifestyle and expressing that reality will be my eternal Joy. I will give my #AllorNothing to essentially bring REBIRTH to my environment. I don't want to stop effecting a positive change that will defeat the presence of dark and counterfeit energy that cripples my culture as it was inevitably birthed to "increase in beauty, fellowship and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race."


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