Episode 6: A Natural Concept

For some strange reason ;) I always hear some random person talking about something that they need. At that instance, I might not know why they need whatever it is that they want but when they start expressing that feeling, I just end up indulging myself with their line of thought like I was a kid again that found out about the latest video game console. The more people I interact with is the more creative my line of thought gets, since 90% of the people I end up having conversations with for more than 15 minutes seem to be pretty cool individuals… he he!

That word; “need”, can be translated to the word “desire”, which is straight forward. Anything we think we need is more than likely something that you’ve been thinking about for… for a while. It has become a desire so it has by now taken over your mind, body and soul. That’s as deep as it gets… no limits. It only gets deeper or it naturally undergoes gradual stages of evolution.
That is the mind; powerful nuh bl**dcl^^t! (Check out this twitter page that I also follow for more interesting patois terms occasionally used by yaadies)
However, lack of self-control can make a really interesting desire a very unnecessary psychological issue.

A desire is developed from a spark of interest from something observed, analyzed, visualised or all of the aforementioned combined. Anything interesting to someone is something natural that appeals to the senses, but when a person forgets about that creative aspect that initially caught their attention, they can become easily mislead by distractions that are always around. Distractions come in the form of people, things or misleading information that appear to be truthful or logical as it becomes difficult to figure out whether that thing that has caught your interest is worth checking out. That is the point where it starts being a psychological issue since the thing that was once interesting has now been erased out of your creative mind and anything else that tries to stimulate that idea is simply blocked out or suppressed. That eventually leads to a gradual deterioration of your mind and hardcore emotional instability.

That process, starting from the spark of interest leading up to the point of desire is the essential part of our thinking that is always the aspect that is hard to remember or re-trace or simply appreciate for the majority of human beings. That reason is not worth talking about right about now, but the effects of that lack of appreciation is evident all around us. It is natural for us to identify anything interesting or appealing to our senses. That was how we were made, whether we appreciate that concept or not. It is impossible for a person to dismiss that idea because no form of communication is monotonous. We always say or do things that even surprise ourselves. The way each person thinks is unique and the way we express what we think is even more unique as the mind is unlimited with ways and means of expression. A simple example of that can be portrayed if one tries to ask any number of individuals the same question; each answer would be expressed differently since each would naturally try to respond to the question the best way they can... a perfect example of that as well is the website, twitter (Check out my twitter page homies! :D)

Since your brain stores information naturally, one can then easily analyze different forms of creative expression that has been observed from anybody at the point of birth to the present. One cannot deny the creative ability of the mind, hence the longer someone takes to recognize that unique aspect of every human being is the longer it takes to develop mentally. The longer it takes to develop mentally, is the easier it is to be misled or distracted which is the worst issue that I think humans experience. With that said, I think all communication or physical and verbal interaction should strive to be appreciated, stimulating and liberating… NATURALLY.


  1. Naturally..........lovin how u expressed this baby...always lovin how u express urself..muah!


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