Real Royalty

What is royalty? Is it just a thing of the past with reference to fiction and story-tales or is it even a realistic and attainable lifestyle that is worth fantasizing about? One of the thoughts that flows into my imagination regarding this concept quickly brings the queen of England to mind accompanied with a surreal picture of her foot soldiers like James Bond & Co. in addition to her massive dynasty... but when I start thinking about it more earnestly, do we even know how, when or where the concept of 'royalty' fits into society's general way of thinking?

Yes, those are debatable questions with multiple answers and perspectives, but yet again my Caribbean persuasion forces my imagination to be more creative of course. Interestingly, these questions were the main reasons why I started writing which is wayyy before I even found the inspiration to start this blog. How can such questions attract that kind of desire? Well, I was at a very vulnerable point in my life that had an intense emotional downside to it but at that time I also conceded that I had nowhere to turn to for help since the answers to the questions I was looking for were unique to the way I grew up. My lifestyle was more or less very special to most of my peers as my environment was extremely saturated with religion and vanity; even more than the backgrounds of most persons I knew. I had no influence on that reality either, I seemed to be the only one curious about how expansive the Universe was without the religious and materialistic outlook or spin on it and I felt like I was drowning. I only found solace when I listened to music from artists who never allowed themselves to fit into societies 'controlling' mould or when I watched fantasy movies with characters that possessed magical abilities and were able to overcome whatever obstacle and attain the proverbial 'royal' lifestyle in their happy endings. 

I suddenly reached a climax; I couldn't follow any more rules blindly, My physical health felt like it was declining and by then I had no choice after I almost died mentally and spiritually from being impeded for so long of my divine right to create my own destiny, and not that which was forced upon me. With my last gasp of concious air I grabbed a pen and started venting in one of my college notebooks like my life depended on it while I was alone in a secluded part of my campus that day. Shortly after that, I started to attract enough insight to keep growing and moving towards deciphering the true definition of royalty. 

The most general family setting that I found depicting royalty in its most entertaining form would most certainly be the Marley family :D Anybody with that last name however, also bears a distinct family resemblance which makes it impossible to pose as a forgotten off-spring lol! It does indeed serve as a sufficient example in my own eyes but I cannot speak on society's spin on it because the great 'Nesta' Marley also struggled to highlight it.

I also came in contact to high quality literature that represented royalty in the most expansive but general and simplest form. One of the authors I became extremely fascinated with - who I also use in countless references in previous posts - was the late Charles Francis Haanel; an American philosopher and businessman. He is best known for his contributions to the so called 'New Thought Movement' but the real school of thought he endorses surpasses that kind of label imo. Why do I find him so interesting? Maybe because one of his books became an important guide to uncover for myself the answers to the challenging questions I had growing up in probably the most simple form I have ever related to. The book I'm referring to is called the 'Master Key System' and it has encouraged me to master concentration, practice truthful and harmonious thinking and this consistent activity will inevitably allow the law of attraction to bring all the nourishing desires of my heart into being which I have now learned is the realest definition of ROYALTY.

I am still in awe of this discovery I made regarding the essence of royalty even though I have been introduced to this unique concept for almost seven years now. Maybe it has something to do with my place of origin but frankly speaking, I think my heritage adds a lot of value to it and notwithstanding using the Marley's as a much better point of reference than the current individual European dynasties :p The way the Marley's write has truly captivated me and honing my passion is a top priority as long as it can add continuous value to their royal and valuable contributions. That essentially, is enough inspiration for a brother like me to express it in the most loving way that I can fathom and as much as possible as well. I'm also pretty sure the energy I create from these expressions bring me closer to the limitless joy and satisfaction I have already planned for, so why should I slow down?! :p

The possibilities of thought training are infinite, its consequence eternal, and yet few take the pains to direct their thinking into channels that will do them good, but instead leave all to chance. ~ Marden


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