
I'm back! :D It's been a while, I have finally checked into a spiritual and mental point of stillness as my most recent struggles have bared fruit. The reality of this state sends a warm glow expanding rapidly throughout my body with an alarming frequency and this time around I aim to share my thoughts more freely, but it's not just that I can't get enough... at this point it feels like a need. I now exhale freely with zero tension and I feel like my moves have more of a 'Legolas-like' composure (for all the Lord of the Rings fans I share this with lol) in my new environment despite the fact I am no longer breathing Caribbean air, chiefly because it's been a looong time coming.

I am so grateful for this change and my adapting skills are in full effect. I have settled quickly following my somewhat northerly relocation to Canada and of course the current temperature I am now in contact with is much lower than I am used to. My face and knuckles seems to be always devoid of moisture as they strip, the dry skin turns off-white and the areas that get chapped often have now become a bit dark. That dark color on my cheeks and hands resemble Jamaicans of the bleaching variety whenever I attempt to quench the apparent thirst my skin has portrayed in the regular sub zero temps with various skin moisturizers. I have already upgraded the intensity of the unctions I use about three times in the first two and a half months since I arrived, but I love it. Adjusting and acclimatizing is something I have an inborn knack for, but that is just a small point in relation to what I want to vent about in this expressive piece. It is all about continuing my quest on expanding my mind to even more progress that I can attract rather than just trying to survive while sharing that vibe with any and everybody who has a similar magnetic pull.

Despite my youthfulness or my Jamaican/Caribbean persuasion, this amazing and novel stillness of mind that I am getting more used to has allowed me to realize that I might also have to place myself in an extremely small group of males especially from my culture and also in my current environment with regards to the focus of my expressions that I have already shared previously. Of course Jesus Christ, MLK, Marcus Garvey, Obama, Bob Marley, plus almost all of the most influential and powerfully positive women in history have a huge effect on the focus of these expressions in my precedent weblogs just as they would have a similar effect on other numerous people, but I certainly strut about with a raised chin a lot more because I can't help feeling a strong sentiment of appreciation for that awareness I enjoy practicing daily. Nevertheless, I remember too well countless days that I was constantly at war with thoughts of self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness for just trying to vent my own story. Unfortunately, this negative mindset with numerous chaotic and tragic outcomes obviously still prevails among the majority despite the fact they are inspired by those same influential humans I just alluded to. That powerful level of self awareness is without a doubt very difficult to aspire to as a habitual attitude. 

Our minds have been conditioned from the constant bombardment of thoughts and impressed feelings of insecurity, low self-belief and a lack of a sense of belonging since creation, and from that time until now (That exact time duration can be debatable but that is now around a quarter-million years ago based off of my personal assessment of our human race for anyone who has not done that for themselves as yet) there is STILL no obvious shift in mentality among the majority of us humans and more specifically for me, the male specie. 

That timeline however, is way too long for me to be OK with as my being no longer allows that kind of mind set to pervade my system due to my constant effort for over 10 years or there about to increase in self-confidence, self-awareness, spiritual and mental stature. Survival is no longer near the top of my list of priorities in my minds eye as it has been replaced by a persistent desire to seek wisdom, access the necessary intuition needed whenever I face complex or general situations and that inevitably helps me to consistently attract humility. Any indiscriminate person can face challenges at any moment that can seem daunting but an individual's inclination to release all fear, doubt and the various issues that suppress our potential consequently combats those mental diseases, increases personal self-confidence, self-belief and consistently sharpens our senses which assists us in making effective life choices. This kind of focus is what led to my shift in reality and upgraded appetite for life.

My views now have a more modern 'yaadie' approach interestingly. I rather to metaphorically plug my sink and allow it to fill up with water naturally instead of being perturbed and feeling oppressed by how the rate of water flow from the pipe is affecting the sink from filling up as it should or how the width of the drain is affecting how the water is escaping despite how much water is coming out the pipe. Regardless of whether free-thinking is discouraged wherever you are as a reader, allow yourself to be that breath of fresh air to yourself. .. Incidentally, that is definitely what I call a wining mentality and also gives more meaning at any given time you hear a random Jamaican exclaim, "up!".


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