Keeping things cool in our lives is probably what the average person wants to think about on a regular basis. We might even intensify that feeling if we get REALLY pissed at whatever we shouldn't be thinking at that particular instance. When we don't realise that we're not keeping it cool, you might just find yourself in an unfortunate situation probably looking something like this...

The term "keeping it cool" therefore does not mean trying to be humourous or going all out to gain attention for the sake of popularity; it however implies keeping a relaxed state of mind by placing ourselves in harmony with our ability to obtain what we require for growth from each experience. Thinking, discussing and visualizing conditions of disharmony and discord of every kind is the exact opposite of what the term mentioned above implies and it will eventually lead to situations similar to the unfortunate dude in that video clip sponsored by two websites promoting personal growth and development and the other emphasizing that "It all comes back to you".

Desirable conditions are secured thankfully by entertaining desirable thoughts and that we reap what we sow is mathematically exact. For this reason Insight is something we should practice mentally so that the thoughts we entertain entail mental, moral and phisical vitality which we definaitely should want objectified in our lives. Living a life without this truth is a reality which I'm not very sure I want to even fathom... shit, I think I'll just let this performance by Jay-Z give you a cool perspective on what a dude like me could possibly be thinking right now;)


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